Survival Camp


This will be a hands-on learning experience where you'll acquire essential wilderness survival skills. From stalking to primitive cooking, fire-making, crafting your own bow, and building a shelter for the night, our camp offers a unique mix of excitement and practical knowledge.

What to Expect:

  1. Stalking and Camouflage: Learn the art of moving silently through the wilderness and become invisible

  2. Fire-Making: Discover the secrets of creating fire from scratch using natural resources

  3. Bow Crafting: Build your own bow and learn to build traps

  4. Shelter Building: Develop the skills to construct your own shelter, providing comfort and protection.

  5. Group Dynamics: Experience the tribe-life, sharing stories and playing native games.

  6. Bushcraft Skills: Acquire practical skills and advanced camping methods to level up your comfort in the wilderness.

Camp Highlights:

  • Immersive Learning Environment: Our camp minimizes lecture time, focusing on practical, hands-on training.

  • Survival Skills: Learn valuable knowledge and skills so you can master every situation in the wild with great confidence.

  • Nature Connection: Beyond survival, our camp emphasizes connecting with nature, making your outdoor experience enjoyable and fulfilling.

Get Ready to Explore:

This Survival Training will take place in a primitive camp, without running water or electricity!


7:00 - Morning Routine

9:00 - Breakfast

10:00 - Workoshop

13:00 - Break

15:00 -Workshop

18:00 - Dinner

19:00 - Evening Program


8-11 of May 2024

9-13 of October 2024


Standard: 450 Euro

Max group size will be 5


  • Food/Water

  • Accommodation (must bring your own tent or tarp)

  • Full Program

  • Pick Up from Airport

Book your flight to PMI (Palma de Mallorca)

Chris spent three years in Italy's jungle, building his own shelter out of what he found in the woods. He learned all about living outdoors from the native tribes, passed down through Tom Brown and Stalking wolf. He knows how to find food, water, and make a safe place to sleep, all while being in harmony with the wilderness.

Chris wants to help others feel that same deep connection to nature he feels. By teaching survival skills and sharing his love for the outdoors, he's inspiring people to try new things and see the world in a different way.